
Book Title: Microbiology: A Laboratory Experience

Author: Holly Ahern

Book Description: Return to milneopentextbooks.org to download PDF and other versions of this text

As a group of organisms that are too small to see and best known for being agents of disease and death, microbes are not always appreciated for the numerous supportive and positive contributions they make to the living world. Designed to support a course in microbiology, Microbiology: A Laboratory Experience permits a glimpse into both the good and the bad in the microscopic world. The laboratory experiences are designed to engage and support student interest in microbiology as a topic, field of study, and career.

This text provides a series of laboratory exercises compatible with a one-semester undergraduate microbiology or bacteriology course with a three- or four-hour lab period that meets once or twice a week. The design of the lab manual conforms to the American Society for Microbiology curriculum guidelines and takes a ground-up approach -- beginning with an introduction to biosafety and containment practices and how to work with biological hazards. From there the course moves to basic but essential microscopy skills, aseptic technique and culture methods, and builds to include more advanced lab techniques. The exercises incorporate a semester-long investigative laboratory project designed to promote the sense of discovery and encourage student engagement. The curriculum is rigorous but manageable for a single semester and incorporates best practices in biology education.

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Book Information

Book Description

As a group of organisms that are too small to see and best known for being agents of disease and death, microbes are not always appreciated for the numerous supportive and positive contributions they make to the living world. Designed to support a course in microbiology, Microbiology: A Laboratory Experience permits a glimpse into both the good and the bad in the microscopic world. The laboratory experiences are designed to engage and support student interest in microbiology as a topic, field of study, and career.


Holly Ahern


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Microbiology: A Laboratory Experience Copyright © by Holly Ahern is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.


Microbiology (non-medical)


Microbiology: A Laboratory Experience
Holly Ahern
Gail E. Rowe, Ph.D., Professor of Biology, La Roche College

Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

Microbiology: A Laboratory Experience Copyright © by Holly Ahern is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

© 2018 Holly Ahern. Some rights reserved.

ISBN: 978-1-942341-54-3 ebook
978-1-942341-53-6 print

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This publication was made possible by a SUNY Innovative Instruction Technology Grant (IITG). IITG is a competitive grants program open to SUNY faculty and support staff across all disciplines. IITG encourages development of innovations that meet the Power of SUNY’s transformative vision.

Published by Open SUNY Textbooks, Milne Library
State University of New York at Geneseo,
Geneseo, NY 14454

Primary Subject
Microbiology (non-medical)
Additional Subject(s)
Biology, life sciences
Open SUNY Textbooks
Ebook ISBN
Print ISBN