
9. Minor Keys and Key Signatures

Identifying Minor Key Signatures

Write the name of the minor key represented by the key signatures below on the lines provided.

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Writing Minor Key Signatures

Write the key signature for each of the keys listed below. Remember to adjust the patterns of sharps and flats to match the clefs.

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Identifying Relative Key Pairs

Write the name of both the major and minor key represented by each of the key signatures below on the lines provided.

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Relative and Parallel Keys

Complete the table below to show correct pairs of either parallel or relative keys. Don’t forget to add the appropriate key signature for each key named.

relationship first key second key
G major
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E minor
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A minor
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A major
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D major
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D minor
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Ab major
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F minor
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G minor
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Bb major
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A major
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F# minor
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E minor
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E major
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Db major
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Bb minor
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C major
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C minor
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G# minor
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B major
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B minor
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B major
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Writing Minor Scale Degrees

Write each of the following (diatonic) scale degrees in the specified minor key. Avoid using ledger lines and take care to ensure that any accidentals are placed in the proper location.

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Identifying Minor Keys from Scale Degrees

Identify each of the following minor keys based on the scale degree provided. Do not change the given note.

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Rewriting Melodies in Minor

For each of the exercises below, first sing or play through the melody, then write in scale degree numbers for each note on the lines above the staff. Next, re-write the melody in either the parallel or relative minor as indicated, taking note of any special directions pertaining to the melodic or harmonic composites.

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Rewrite the above melody in the relative diatonic minor:

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Rewrite the above melody in the parallel diatonic minor by adding accidentals:

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Rewrite the above melody in the relative minor (use the harmonic minor composite where appropriate):

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Rewrite the above melody in the parallel minor by adding accidentals (use the melodic minor composite where appropriate):

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Fundamentals, Function, and Form Copyright © 2023 by Ivette Herryman Rodriguez, Andre Mount, and Jerod Sommerfeldt is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.