
19. Dominant Seventh Chords

Identifying Leading Tones and Writing Roman Numerals

Each of the following chords is either a triad or seventh chord built on scale degree [latex]\hat5[/latex] or [latex]\hat7[/latex]. Look for the leading tone in each chord. If the leading tone is already present, circle it. If not, add an accidental to create a leading tone. Finally, add a Roman numeral with the appropriate bass figures on the line below. The first two chords have been completed for you.

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Spelling Dominant Seventh Chords in Root Position

Spell each of the following dominant seventh chords in the specified keys in root position. (Do not forget to include the leading tone in minor keys!) The first two chords have been completed for you.

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Spelling Dominant Seventh Chords in Different Positions

Spell each of the following dominant seventh chords in the specified keys and different positions. (Do not forget to include the leading tone in minor keys!) The first two chords have been completed for you.

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Identifying Tendency Tones

After identifying each of the following dominant seventh chords with a Roman numeral, draw lines to show the resolutions of all tendency tones. Each exercise should have two lines: one to show the resolution of the leading tone and another to show the resolution of the chordal seventh.

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Resolving Dominant Seventh Chords in Root Position

Complete and resolve each of the following root-position dominant seventh chords, given the bass line, key, and Roman numerals.

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Resolving Dominant Seventh Chords in All Positions

Complete and resolve each of the following dominant seventh chords, given the bass line, key, and Roman numerals.

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SATB Part-Writing

Complete each of the exercises below, following standard voice-leading conventions as closely as possible. For more detailed instructions, strategies, and proofreading tips, consult the part-writing guide found at the beginning of this book.

Roman Numeral Realization

Complete the progression according to the given key and Roman numerals by filling in all four voices. The first chord of each progression has been provided for you.

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Melody Harmonization

Write the scale degree numbers of each note in the soprano melody on the lines above the staff. Then, select a suitable chord progression which incorporates the harmonies covered in this chapter to harmonize the melody and write the appropriate Roman numerals on the lines below the staff. Finally, complete the progression by filling in the remaining voices.

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Replacing V7 with viio6

Each of the exercises below shows a chord progression containing dominant seventh chords. Rewrite each progression on the staves provided, substituting a viio6 in place of each V7. (Note: You may need to adjust the voicing of the other chords in the progression to accommodate the substitution.

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Identify the key of each passage below by writing its name on the first blank line underneath the music. Then, complete the analysis by adding a Roman numeral to each of the blank lines that follow. Be sure to consider every note and identify any nonharmonic tones. Recordings of each excerpt are available in the appendix of the online version of this book.


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Fundamentals, Function, and Form Copyright © 2023 by Ivette Herryman Rodriguez, Andre Mount, and Jerod Sommerfeldt is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.