SCLD Poster Presentations 2016
SUNY Connect: SUNY Libraries Sharing Services Since the 1990s
John Schumacher, Office of Library and Information Services
The libraries of the State University of New York have been working together for many years. One of the major collaborative programs is SUNYConnect (Libraries Wherever You Are). SUNY participation in SUNYConnect encompasses 60 institutions of higher education. Components of the SUNYConnect initiative include a common library management software system, shared electronic resources, a digital repository/archive, a delivery service moving traditional library resources around New York State, and a growing program around open educational resources. The first two program components are highlighted here.
Cooperating on major portions of a modern digital academic library greatly expands information access, provides for common resources and tools across the university system, allows for the sharing of expertise and results in considerable financial savings. Tools such as a library management system and broad and deep information/research resources are essential for our student, faculty and staff inquiries in to the full range of academic/research topics. Library collections and resources available to all can engage our communities in an ongoing life of the mind. Vetted tools and resources for such inquiry provides for the success of our students, faculty and staff.
The SUNY libraries as well as the System’s Office of Library and Information Services combine to provide resources that span the academic disciplines and expose hundreds of thousands of learners, tens of thousands of teachers and researchers to materials that many of our SUNY institutions would not be able to afford on their own. The power of this SUNY collective makes this access available at fractions of the cost that our schools would pay on their own.