Book Title: SUNY Libraries

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Book Description: The SUNY libraries assist the State University of New York's community of researchers, teachers, and learners across 64 institutions in the realization of their central mission to learn, discover, and serve. This community acquires and exchanges knowledge with the aid of our librarians and support staff. They search for and discover intellectual frontiers while exploring our collections of volumes, recorded media, and online resources. They serve a worldwide community to make a profound and lasting difference, and we align ourselves with them. Together, we form the nation's largest comprehensive system of public higher education. The SUNY libraries maintain cost-effective and authoritative knowledge resources that encourage our community of researchers, teachers and learners to grow and direct their skills toward new horizons of understanding in our complex society.
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SUNY Libraries Copyright © by SUNY Council of Library Directors is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.