
Customizing and Integrating OER

Suffolk Community College

Camille Karlson


Discipline: Faculty DevelopmentĀ 
OER and Community of Inquiry
What OER exist within your specific discipline? Commons.suny.edu/sunyoercommunitycourse; open textbooks on instructional design
Where are you seeing gaps? What is missing? Not able to find OER on COI
What is your plan to address what is missing? Research copyrighted materials and create new original resources
Does content need to be customized, or created from scratch? Created from scratch
Who will you need to work with? SUNY OER; instructional design; IELOL
What will you need to have in place in order to customize and integrate OER into your teaching, learning, and research? Original content; identification of appropriate creation tools; level of attribution decision; ADA accessible content


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SUNY OER Community Course Submissions Copyright © by SUNY OER Services is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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