
Sharing and Promoting OER

Evidence of Learning Submission Prompt

The OER Champion Playbook from Lumen Learning is a compendium of strategies and tools to help you promote OER. Using the OER Champion Playbook, select a “play” that resonates with you, and describe how you would implement that OER promotion initiative at your institution.

Explore the OER Champion Playbook

Use the Sharing and Promoting OER Worksheet to guide your planning for this exercise.

Remember to include key players at your institution, including faculty, administrators, and students! And feel free to edit the “play” in any way to help get your OER advocacy message across.

Please cite any resources you use, including the guidelines you use from the openly licensed OER Champion Playbook.

When you are done creating your play, please upload your file here, or upload it to an open repository and share your link here.


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SUNY OER Community Course Submissions Copyright © by SUNY OER Services is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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