
Understanding OER

Evidence of Learning Submission Prompt

In order to earn a digital badge or completion certificate in this course, you need to complete this exercise.Image of man's hand writing in a notebook

Take some time to reflect on what you have learned from your exploration of the course content, and interactions you may have had about these materials.

Your response can be as concise or in-depth as need be. Imagine that you are in conversation with your colleagues and reflecting on the prompts below. We want to hear your perspective on what you have learned here!

You can submit your response as a written reflection, or present your response as a visual or video reflection.

Share your response to one of the following prompts:

  1. Write the definition of OER in your own words, one strength, and one weakness as you see it.
  2. Describe how you already use open materials in your class, sharing your content if possible.
  3. What you would do with OER or open pedagogy if you had unlimited time and resources?
  4. Brainstorm ways that SUNY can help make OER or open pedagogy work for faculty, students, librarians and instructional designers on your campus.
  5. How is OER shaping your professional role as a librarian?
  6. How can OER foster communication and collaboration across campus?
  7. How would an OER initiative align with your campus strategic plan?


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SUNY OER Community Course Submissions Copyright © by SUNY OER Services is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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