
Creating, Licensing, and Publishing OER

Empire State College

Amanda Barnett


CHECKLIST 1: Look Before You Write

Before you begin, ask yourself these questions to make sure you understand and are prepared for the task ahead. Look for resources that might help answer your questions and record your thoughts as you conduct this research 

Completed Initial Questions to Ask
What are the differences between an open and standard textbook?
What is my writing experience? Make a list.

Where might I need help with a textbook?

Do I have concerns about releasing my textbook with an open-copyright license?

What are they? (Money? Loss of control of content? Won’t contribute to my professional development, advancement, and tenure?)

Do I fully understand how open-copyright licenses work?

Can I explain them to someone else?

Do I have any concerns about using one?

Do I understand how plagiarism relates to an open textbook?

Can I explain this to someone else?

Do I understand all aspects of quality that affect a textbook?

Am I prepared to take all steps that ensure my textbook will be high quality?


CHECKLIST 2: Prepare to Write

Completed Task Details
Payment What will your funding sources be?


What expenses will you incur during the process?

Copyright ownership Who will have ownership of each piece of the OER? Text? Videos? Images? If you are working with others, be sure they are aware of creative commons licensing practices.
License Do research on creative commons license types so that you are aware of how you can use other’s work and how you want to share your own.
Research spend time researching your topic to be sure there aren’t other OERs that could be adapted to your purposes.
Contributors Authors?



Identify Support Who can support you in this project? Educational technologists? Instructional designers? Librarians?
Project Timeline Create a timeline from initial questions through to publication
Technology Research and decide on an authoring platform, graphic-design software, and multimedia software.

Research Open Textbook Formats and decide which will work best for your writing, editing, and publishing needs.



Completed Task
Learn and follow the Five Rules of Textbook Development
Consider Accessibility and Inclusion and build both into your outline.
Create an Outline
List out each Element of the resource
Create Style Sheet and update as you write


CHECKLIST 4: Write and More 

Completed Task Details
Research Using interviews, journal, books websites etc., do the research necessary to gather information for your resource
Write Using your outline, element list, style sheet, and timeline, write the OER resource
Resources Find resources (images, multimedia), Ensure all resources are open
Citations and attributions Using the style sheet be sure that all ideas, images, videos, etc are properly cited and attributed as necessary based on their copyright


CHECKLIST 5: Edit and Review

Completed Task Details
Peer review Identify Subject-matter experts and ask them to review your resource.
Copy editing Find copy editors for your resource
Proofreading Identify final proofreaders for the project.


CHECKLIST 6: Pre-publication

Completed Task Details
Final check For errors, accessibility, openness
Textbook cover Find designer for cover art
Editable files Make sure text and multimedia are editable
Communications/marketing Use Colleagues, Institutional contacts, Projects and organizations, and Repositories


CHECKLIST 7: Post-publication 

Completed Task Details
Textbook maintenance Develop a Maintenance Plan for

1.    Feedback

2.    Errors

3.    Revisions and updates

Adoption tracking Plan:

Record-keeping system:




Textbook reviews Create Rubric. Identify Potential reviewers. Process reviews:

1.    Responding to reviewer

2.    Posting

3.    Addressing problems

Adapted From: The BCcampus Open Education Self-Publishing Guide by Lauri M. Aesoph is used under a CC BY 4.0 International License.

Download this book for free at http://open.bccampus.ca


Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

SUNY OER Community Course Submissions Copyright © by SUNY OER Services is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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