
Understanding OER

SUNY Geneseo

Ben Rawlins
Library Director


How would an OER initiative align with your campus strategic plan?

The OER initiative fits well within SUNY Geneseo’s strategic plan.  One of our strategic goal objectives is to improve support to faculty and staff to explore innovative approaches to teaching, learning, and research.  An action item of that objective is to support development of OER, digital scholarship, and innovative scholarly and creative projects. The responsibility of this action has been assigned to the library, specifically myself.  Additionally, I am part of a working group within Academic Affairs that was put together by our Provost, whose goal is to focus on increasing student retention at Geneseo.  One of the lead measure to achieve that goal is to increase the use of OER.  Overall, the OER initiative is widely supported here at Geneseo, but we do need to do a better job of broadcasting our efforts to different campus constituents because there are still people who are unaware of the OER initiative as a whole.  That is something we are hoping to change this upcoming academic year.


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