
Creating, Licensing, and Publishing OER

Onondaga Community College

Laine Lubar


Timeline notes:

Adaptation of English 103 to Open Pedagogy. Adoption date: Fall 19

Needs & Interest Assessment done by 12/12

Platform research is ongoing. Meeting to discuss platforms with appropriate tech people needs to have during last on hand days Fall 18. Tentatively scheduled for 12/10

Checklist 3 – the actual writing – will happen over the Spring 19 semester, with multiple workshops in the computer lab. Assuming I can find someone else who wants to do this with me. 🙂 Except informing students about licensing – that needs to happen before Thanksgiving.


CHECKLIST 1: Assess what I already have

Completed Task Timeline Notes
Organize and inventory current OER documents that I have already made This needs to be done by Dec 12
Research the licensing on the OER resources I did not make This needs to be done by Dec 12
Research current OER English comp offerings online This needs to be done by Dec 12 Jefferson CC has some good comp. Discuss Lumen with other faculty so we don’t do what they did.


CHECKLIST 2: Assess interest

Completed Task Details Notes
Contact other ALP instructors who are interested in OER This needs to be done by Dec 12 MM, JP, CH
Contact the OER committee for information on platforms in-house This needs to be done by Dec 12 K. Blanchett
Consult with K. Blanchett on platforms that are free or that the college will pay for This needs to be done by Dec 12 Consider the recent email – can I ask students to work in a platform that is not closed without violating some security rule. Find out who to ask.


CHECKLIST 3: Writing

Completed Task Details Notes
Writing Topics for Content:

Rhetorical Triangle



One article for essay 1 (this is a teaching essay)


Topics for Writing

The writer’s guide already meets acceptable licensing.

Topics for Content:

Consider UDL principles here – make sure there are videos, images, and documents that can be read by a screen reader.

Topics for Writing

Check all links, find updated videos

Update Handouts All handouts done in MS word have to be updated so they can read by a screen reader. I’m not the only one; maybe we could do a college hour workshop in the lab to update documents. And/or trade them! This could be like a Pokemon card swap!
Citations and attributions Citation:

Citation style

Reference list placement


Attribution statement style


This could be another workshop.
Find resources (images, multimedia) We need to gather and organize what we already have.


Discuss licensing with certain current students who will allow us to use their work as models.
Add resources Assigned to: MM & JP



Ensure all resources are open Assigned to: all of us



Fixer This could happen with proofing This will be done over summer 19.

Template from the BCcampus Open Education Self-Publishing Guide

Creative Commons Attribution license button


Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

SUNY OER Community Course Submissions Copyright © by SUNY OER Services is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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