
Identifying, Finding, and Adopting OER

Adirondack Community College

Samantha Berry


OER Curation Template

OER Title How to Read a Library of Congress Call Number
URL https://youtu.be/4djuA5ZfOWE
Author/Publisher University of Arkansas Libraries
Resource Type Video
File Format Video
License Type None specified
Annotation This short video on understanding Library of Congress Call Numbers, what they mean, and how to use them will be extremely useful for teaching students both in my one-shot library research methods classes and my course-length class about the system used in our library.

The video supplies visual cues in its discussion of the orientation of the call numbers in the OPAC vs on the physical spine, as well as the way books are generally physically ordered on the shelf and the logic of their order, but detailed narration and accurate closed captioning make this resource accessible to visually/hearing differently abled learners.

It’s unfortunate that this resource isn’t licensed under Creative Commons, because if it allowed derivation I might edit out a few seconds of content here and there discussing material that is irrelevant to my liberal arts freshman.  I would also edit out pieces that I feel might cause confusion for my students, such as moments when pitfalls in understanding are discussed. 


OER Curation Template

OER Title Evaluating Information Sources for Audience and Purpose
URL https://youtu.be/cWQRa9M_WCA
Author/Publisher Sarah Morehouse
Resource Type Video (Short Lecture)
File Format Video
License Type CC BY NC
Annotation I was happy to find this video because it discusses a particularly slippery concept within information literacy and general academic writing. As I generally teach incoming freshman, both of those aspects will be important to plant in the back of the students’ minds as they move forward.

I like this resource because in addition to the clear narration and closed captioning, the information is also presented in greater detail in slide-like format. This makes creating comprehension-checking exercises and quizzes easy for me and note taking and studying easy for my students as vocabulary is embedded in the video.


OER Curation Template

OER Title Should I Be Using Google or Library Resources for a Paper?
URL https://youtu.be/lDlEpt0AdKc
Author/Publisher Ronald Williams Library (Northeastern Illinois University)
Resource Type Video
File Format Video
License Type CC BY
Annotation I like this video as a quick, fun, visually appealing way to explain why I am about to spend time teaching my students to use our books and databases as opposed to using the resource they’ve become familiar with in their day-to-day causal information gathering.

It is also good in that it leaves room for me, the instructor, to expand upon the content of the video. This resource skims and gets the basic message across, but it neither so information heavy nor lengthy that my students won’t zone out as I expand upon the material.

The CC BY license would also allow me to edit the video, or add it to a longer video lecture or presentation for Library Research Methods in the future.


OER Curation Template

OER Title Me? Plagiarize?
URL https://courses.lumenlearning.com/informationliteracy/chapter/video-me-plagiarize/
Author/Publisher Hartness Library ( Vermont Community College and Vermont Technical College)
Resource Type Video
File Format Video
License Type CC BY
Annotation This video not only goes through the ways students can intentionally and unintentionally plagiarize, but also what resources they can use to avoid the danger of plagiarizing.

What I especially like about this video is the time it takes to discuss organizational skills during the search process – making sure you have all of your necessary citation information and searching log- which will make the research and paper writing process easier and make accidentally plagiarizing less likely.


OER Curation Template

OER Title Basic Boolean
URL https://youtu.be/dXdgsr2Lurc
Author/Publisher Penfield Library (SUNY Oswego)
Resource Type Video
File Format Video
License Type CC BY
Annotation This video explains Boolean logic for database searching succinctly, clearly, and with the very simplistic and useful visual aid of the Venn diagram throughout. Best of all, when showing a sample database search using Boolean terms, the search is conducted in an EBSCO hosted database, so the interface is identical to most of the databases my students will be working with.

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