
Customizing and Integrating OER

Evidence of Learning Submission Prompt

Photograph of a man's hand writing in a notebookCreate a worksheet that would help other faculty, instructional designers, and librarians to explore, evaluate, and customize OER.

Your worksheet should provide areas for others to provide reflective narratives on the OER customization process.

Be sure that your worksheet addresses the following questions:

  • What OER exist within your specific discipline?
  • Where are you seeing gaps? What is missing?
  • What is your plan to address what is missing?
  • Does content need to be customized, or created from scratch?
  • Who will you need to work with?
  • What will you need to have in place in order to customize and integrate OER into your teaching, learning, and research?

You can create a worksheet in document or spreadsheet format, using Google tools, or any other application of your choice.

We encourage you to add a Creative Commons license to your work.

Remember, you can always search for an OER customization/integration worksheet and customize it for this project!


Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

SUNY OER Community Course Submissions Copyright © by SUNY OER Services is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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