
Unidad 4: En mi casa

Self Check

You’ve just studied many concepts that permit you to speak and write with more style in Spanish. You possess quite a bit of knowledge in a short period of time. As we move into the next unit, you will learn how to express possession and have opportunities to review all that you have learned thus far. Before that though, please answer the following questions:

[ ] Yes

[ ] No

Can I hear Spanish and sometimes am able to listen and understand?

[ ] Yes

[ ] No

Can I recognize cultural differences between the Spanish speaking countries?

[ ] Yes

[ ] No

Can I use correct the sound of consonants C, G, J and H with each vowel?

[ ] Yes

[ ] No

Can I understand the differences between Spanish and English intonation?

[ ] Yes

[ ] No

Can I ask and talk about family members and their characteristics?

[ ] Yes

[ ] No

Can I exchange personal information including home and email addresses?

[ ] Yes

[ ] No

Can I talk about my home and label items in rooms?

[ ] Yes

[ ] No

Can I identify familiar people, places and objects?

[ ] Yes

[ ] No

Can I use Spanish expressions to indicate responsibilities, duties, likes and future intentions?

[ ] Yes

[ ] No

Can I understand the function of the indirect objects in a sentence?

[ ] Yes

[ ] No

Can I understand the function of the direct objects in a sentence?

[ ] Yes

[ ] No

Can I use correctly the direct object, indirect object and reflexive pronouns?

[ ] Yes

[ ] No

Can I talk about activities related to personal care or daily routines?

[ ] Yes

[ ] No

Can I speak and write more succinctly by avoiding redundancy in Spanish?

If you answered “No” to any of these questions, review those sections again and see your professor.


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Yo Puedo: para empezar Copyright © by Elizabeth Silvaggio-Adams and Ma. Del Rocío Vallejo-Alegre is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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