
Unidad 1: Los sonidos del español

4. ¡Aprendamos los cognados!

As we end this chapter about vowels and consonants, we have a nice surprise for you—you may already know more Spanish than you think! Many Spanish words have the same origin as English words. In fact, some words are the same word, but are pronounced differently. We have many words that are the same that in Spanish have one consonant but have two consonants in English.

Let’s see some examples:

  • Capital in English = Capital in Spanish → same word different in pronunciation.
  • Instructions = Instrucciones → same origin: From the Latin: instructĭo,-ōnis.
  • Impossible = Imposible → In Spanish, we have only NN and CC as double consonants*

*Notice: ch, rr, ll are consonant groups.

In linguistics a cognate (COGNADO) is a word that has the same origin or root as in another language; it can be Latin, Greek, German, etc.

How many Spanish words do you already know?

  • Accident = Accidente
  • Banana = Banana
  • Cabin = Cabina
  • December = Diciembre
  • Elephant = Elefante
  • Family = Familia
  • Galaxy = Galaxia
  • Idea = Idea
  • List = Lista
  • Magic = Mágia
  • Natural = Natural
  • Object = Objeto
  • Paper = Papel
  • Radio = Radio
  • Secret = Secreto
  • Telephone = Teléfono

The next table gives you some equivalents between English and Spanish. These are very helpful to have a better understanding of the COGNADOS and also help you to succeed in spelling Spanish. As you remember, there are some words that need to have an acento ortográfico. We didn’t study the rules for the acentos ortográficos yet; but when you memorize these equivalents you are learning also that all Spanish words that end in ción, sión or ión use an acento ortográfico. When you learn a new Spanish word, always learn it with the correct spelling including the orthographic stress.

Inglés Equivalencia en Español Ejemplos
-ade -ada limonada
-ant -ante instante
-cy -cia infancia
chl cl cloro without H
-ic -ica/-ico música/público
-ion -ión religión
-ist -ista artista
mm nm inmovil
s + consonant es + consonante especial
(s)sion -sión pasión
th t teología without H
-ty -ad universidad
-tion -ción nación
ph f filosofía
psy psi psicología


Although it may seem improbable, you can learn 100 Spanish words in record time! We’re just talking about the cognates! As you remember, cognates are words that are identical or nearly identical in spelling in both languages because they have the same origin or root.

Empecemos—let’s get started…

Español Inglés
accidente accident
actor actor
analizar to analyze
ángel angel
artístico artistic
banana banana
banco bank
balance balance
cabina cabin
carro car
canal channel
colección collection
combinar to combine
concierto concert
cultura culture
curioso curious
delicado delicate
detalle detail
distancia distance
dividir to divide
enorme enormous
esencial essential
excelente excellent
expreso express
extremo extreme
familia family
fantástico fantastic
general general
guía guide
hospital hospital
hotel hotel
importante important
imposible imposible
individual individual
infinito infinite
interactivo interactive
invención invention
ilusión illusion
isla island
letra letter
león lion
máquina machine
material material
melodía melody
memoria memory
miserable miserable
momento momento
música music
nación nation
necesidad necessity
nota note
objetivo objective
océano ocean
opinión opinión
opción option
orden order
original original
papel paper
parque park
personal personal
foto photo
pino pine
planta plant
posibilidad possibility
posible possible
presidente president
el problema problema
proyecto project
promover promote
público public
radio radio
rancho ranch
real real/royal
razón reason
recibir to receive
reducir to reduce
relación relation
repetir to repeat
reservación reservation
restaurante restaurant
romántico romantic
rosa rose
ruta route
secreto secret
sensación sensation
silencio silence
especial special
estructura structure
teléfono telephone
terrible terrible
tráfico traffic
unido united
urgente urgent
usual usual
verbo verb
vibración vibration
vacaciones vacation
virgen virgen
visitar to visit
vocabulario vocabulary

We just learned 100 words in Spanish!!!

A thumbs-up.


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Yo Puedo: para empezar Copyright © by Elizabeth Silvaggio-Adams and Ma. Del Rocío Vallejo-Alegre is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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