Unidad 2: Quienes somos
3. ¡Comencemos con los saludos y despedidas!
Let’s start with greetings and pleasantries. You should know that when one meets someone other than a child, it is always best to be polite and use a formal way of addressing the other person. Let’s familiarize ourselves with expressions to help you put your best foot forward in a Spanish speaking country.

Observa los videos 1.2.2, 1.2.3, & 1.2.4 where you will watch videos and read on Greetings and Introductions.
In these videos, you will hear the pronunciation for basic greetings, introductions and questions related to “how are you?” and how to describe yourself. Listen to the videos and repeat the phrases or answer the questions when prompted. This will help you with the in-class practices. The videos are set up in 2 sections—one that explains the concepts and the other that is more conversational. Pay attention to the usted forms since this is the polite way to address those you do not know or who are not among your family and friends.
Make sure you select the greetings and good-byes video as well as the video on asking someone’s name.