
Chapter VII: Case Study


Hypothetical Case Study

You have just won an election as the leader of a very powerful, wealthy, and free nation. A nation that the world looks to for leadership as well as those residing within its geographical boundaries. The election itself has been tarnished by outside influences from an authoritarian/dictatorial nation that remains an advisory to the free world. The free world your nation provides leadership for and represents.

You begin your administration by attempting to orchestrate Supremacist Policy (A person that advocates for a particular group) of which much is stopped by the highest courts of the nation. You begin to make ties with former enemies of the nation and your administration is rife with controversy dealing with political malfeasance. A hallmark of your administration is serial fabrication. During the period of less than two years in office you and your administration have logged over 3,000 proven known misstatements and outright lies. You have vowed to turn the place upside down and lead through chaos. You openly agree to a deal with your legislative body on one day and within hours you renege.

You have made definitive statements as to your superior intellect and that those before you had no idea what they were doing and you set your sail toward disengaging former allies nationally and internationally. In essence, you rely solely on yourself and have claimed yourself as the “Smartest Person in the Room.” However, your party affiliation is alienated with divisive splits over policy, the opposition party is seemingly absent from the debate, and the nation is in what appears to be resorting to tribalism (political enclaves), separatism (independence), and Isolationism (seclusion from other nations).

As the leader of the free world you have been quoted in your admiration of international dictatorial leaders that the people of the nation do as the leader says! Term limits are set on your tenure in office, but you have remarked how nice it would be to be President for Life like a dictatorial country you recently visited. In short, your judgment, integrity, value system, legitimacy as a leader, and style has been called into question by the masses. Your faithful followers have circled the wagon isolating you from the real world.

You now have, as a result of some of your action, a special counsel appointed to investigate, on behalf of the government, possible illegal activity during your campaign and crimes uncovered. You wake up before the end of your second year in office and say, OOOOOPS! What have I done? How can I fix this mess?

Now I’m just saying this scenario could happen, not that it is anything American’s have ever been confronted, but it could happen.

  • Readers using outside scholarly articles or peer-reviewed text define what approaches the current leader of chaos has used to get into this predicament.
  • Readers will then support their opinion with outside research using scholarly and peer reviewed text describing what it will take to fix the problem.
  • Is it too late to fix it?
  • How could the leader build trust at this point?
  • What can the leader do that will engage you to support him/her at this point? If nothing, explain why you have closed the door on this person.
  • By the way you voted for him/her to begin with.