
Main Body

Writing the Scripts

38. About the Scripts

The scripts suggest topics, not techniques! It’s up to you to add those special touches that energize your teaching and enhance learning.


39. Possible First Day Script

Numbers in brackets indicate the section number where the topic is found.

Have Ready 

Be sure to have a Do Now that requires writing and takes at least 10 minutes this first day. You need time to take care of business. [#18]

__Plan and materials for finding their seats [#17]

__Directions someplace visible for what to do when they come in

__Class list(s)/attendance scans

__Band aids/tissues

__Sticky notes

__Chalk, overhead pens, transparencies

__Extra pens, pencils, paper

__Bucket/box for collected papers

__CD/tape player and music

__Paperclips/stapler and staples

__Whatever materials/props you need

  • Stand at the door as students enter. Check to make sure they are in the right class at the right time.
  • Tell them how to find their seats at least for today.
  • Have the Do Now on the overhead and have them get started without talking as soon as they come in.
  • As they work on the Do Now, circulate. Have them tell you their names so you can write them phonetically on your class list. Never try to pronounce names “on your own.”

When You Are Ready to Start Class

  1. Get their attention. [#19]
  2. Explain the procedure you’ll use for getting their attention and practice it. [#19]. Be sure to discuss the appropriate ways they can remind each other to stop what they are doing and focus on you.
  3. Welcome the students. Say your name and write it on the board. Review the name of the class, period, and room number.
  4. Explain the Do Now routine and the expectation that students will start as soon as they enter the room. [#18]
  5. Using the completed Do Now assignment, explain how to pass in papers. [#29]
  6. Explain what they should know about you as a person and talk about your personal pet peeves. [#3]
  7. Explain what they should know about you as a teacher and your “teacher” pet peeves. [#4]
  8. Cover your philosophy of teaching. [#5]
  9. Outline your commitment to the students. [#6]
  10. Explain your general rules. [#10]
  11. Outline your specific rules and show where they are posted in the room. (If you travel and can’t post them, give students a handout.) [#11]
  12. Demonstrate your friendly warnings/signals. [#12]
  13. Explain what they’ll be learning and pass out a syllabus if you have one. [#2]
  14. Discuss your homework policy and procedure. [#25]
  15. Do something fun to hook their interest and make them want to come back tomorrow. Check the clock. If it looks like you’ll have time, start a name-learning activity. [#8]
  16. Explain “Pack and Stack” and have the students do it. [#20]
  17. As students “Pack and Stack,” make a final attendance check.
  18. Have students check the floor for grummies (bits of trash). [#11]
  19. Remind them that you (not the bell or the clock!) dismiss the class. Wait to give the signal to leave until all students are sitting “flat” in their seats and are absolutely quiet. Then give the signal for students to leave. [#20]

40. Possible Second Day Script

Numbers in brackets indicate the section number where the topic is found.

Have Ready

Check the “Have Ready” list from yesterday. Be sure to have items that you’ll need again such as the CD/tape player and be sure to include a Do Now activity. Here are some other specifics to include:

__Bell starter that reviews the general and specific rules from yesterday

__Packet for newcomers that covers everything you did yesterday

__New seating chart if needed

__Materials needed for class

__“Graded” bell starters from yesterday with positive feedback and arranged according to the seating chart so you can pass them back efficiently (Use the seating codes later on)

__Extra pens/pencils/paper to loan

Check the script for today to see what else you might need.

  • Have their Do Now on the board or overhead. Be sure it requires writing so they are occupied for a while and make it something they have to hand in. (See number three below.)
  • Stand at the door as students enter. Remind them to get started without talking as soon as they come in. Tell them to sit where they sat yesterday or tell them their new seat location.
  • As they work on the Do Now, circulate and make sure they are on task.

When You Are Ready to Start Class

  1. Get their attention and make sure all eyes are on you. Practice if needed!
  2. Introduce the concept of objectives for the class and go over the objective(s) for today. [#19]
  3. Explain seating codes. Have students put codes on their bell starter paper. [#31]
  4. Review your procedure for passing in their papers and have students pass in their Do Now assignments.
  5. Explain your expectations for having students cooperate and help each other. [#8]
  6. Explain your expectations for student civility in the classroom and the cue you will use if students are inappropriate. [#9]
  7. Explain your expectations for civility when they have issues with you. [#9]
  8. Pass back papers from yesterday.
  9. Explain how you expect them to deal with bad days. [#15]
  10. Cover make-up work from excused absences [#26], the class log, if you choose to use one [#26], make-up work from unexcused absences [#26], late work [#27], and extra credit. [#28]
  11. Discuss your policy and procedure for hall passes. [#23]
  12. Go over the required materials for class [#21] and eliminating acts of sabotage. [#22]
  13. Do a content activity.
  14. Continue or start name learning/getting acquainted.
  15. Get their attention and announce “Pack and Stack.”
  16. As students “Pack and Stack,” make a final attendance check.
  17. Review objectives and assess completion.
  18. Have students check the floor for grummies.
  19. Remind them that you (not the bell or the clock!) dismiss the class. Wait to give the signal to leave until all students are sitting “flat” in their seats and are absolutely quiet. Then give the signal for students to leave.

41. Possible Third Day Script

Numbers in brackets indicate the section number and the page(s) where the topic is found.

Have Ready

You will need copies of the contracts, if you choose to use them. [#13]

Check the “Have Ready” list from yesterday. Be sure to have items that you’ll need again such as the CD/tape player and be sure to include a Do Now activity. Here are some other specifics to include:

__Packet for newcomers that covers everything you have done so far

__Materials for today’s script

  • Have their Do Now on the board or overhead. Be sure it requires writing so they are occupied for a while.
  • Have the objective(s) posted.
  • Stand at the door as students enter. Remind them to get started without talking as soon as they come in. Tell them to sit where they sat yesterday.
  • As they work on the Do Now, circulate and make sure they are on task.

When You Are Ready to Start Class

  1. Get their attention and make sure all eyes are on you. Practice if needed!
  2. Take care of the Do Now.
  3. Discuss your/school tardy policy. [#24]
  4. Discuss student excuses and “Excuses! Excuses!” [#16]
  5. Explain how they and their parents can access their grades.
  6. Go over the hierarchy of interventions. [#9]
  7. Explain the meaning of due process and the steps in your due process system. [#14]
  8. Explain the three-way partnership among parents, teachers, and students. [#13] If you have chosen to use contracts, distribute copies of the Commitment to Academic and Personal Success contracts [#13] and explain them. Have students take the copies home, have them signed, and have them returned by a specified date. Consider providing an incentive for those students who return their contracts promptly.
  9. Review the policy and procedure for make-up work. If you are going to have a student keep the Class Log, choose the student who will keep the log for the rest of the first week. Review any special incentives for those who keep the logs.
  10. Explain your position on confidentiality. [#7]
  11. Continue learning about each other.
  12. Work on a content piece if there is time.
  13. Have students “Pack and Stack.”
  14. As students “Pack and Stack,” make a final attendance check.
  15. Review the objectives for the day and assess completion.
  16. Remind them about getting the contracts signed!
  17. Have students check the floor for grummies.
  18. Get their attention. Wait to give the signal to leave until all students are sitting “flat” in their seats and are absolutely quiet. Then give the signal for students to leave.








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