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Over forty years of classroom experience have taught me that taking the time to get the year off to a smooth start, rather than immediately plunging into content, is the best gift I can give my students and myself. If I do it right, and if I do it right from the beginning, I can spend the rest of the year on instruction and building meaningful relationships with my students instead of dealing with management issues. Furthermore, as my stress level decreases, my joy in teaching increases, and my classroom becomes a positive and vibrant place where students can experience success on both an academic and personal level.

Of course, perfect starts require much thought and preparation. Right…from the Beginning is your guide for making that process easier and making not only your opening days of school but also your entire year much more effective.

Right…from the Beginning is based on the belief that certain best teaching practices form the basis of all successful classrooms, but each of us must incorporate those practices in light of our own teaching styles and personalities. Therefore, the major part of the book covers basic teaching practices, gives specific examples of how other teachers have incorporated those practices into their classrooms, and then lets you decide which approach will work best for you. Unless otherwise noted, all teachers credited are, or at one time were, in Colorado’s Cherry Creek School District #5. As a bonus, the book ends with actual classroom-tested “scripts” you can follow or adapt for your first days.

Good luck and good teaching!

Roberta Harman Ford


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Right...from the Beginning Copyright © 2002 by Roberta Harman Ford is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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