

ACIP: Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices

ACP: American College of Physicians

ADA: American Diabetes Association    

ADE: Adverse drug events

ADHD: Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

AHRQ: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

AIDS: Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome

APhA: American Pharmacists Association

ASHP: American Society of Health-System Pharmacists

ASTHO: Association of State and Territorial Health Officials

BG: Blood glucose

BID: Twice daily

BP: Blood pressure

BPM: Beats per minute

CC: Chief complaint

CDC: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

CKD: Chronic kidney disease

CMR: Comprehensive Medication Review

CMS: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

COPD: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

COVID-19: Coronavirus disease 2019

CPA: Collaborative practice agreement

CT: Computed tomography

CTA: Computed tomography angiography (also known as angiogram)

CV: Cardiovascular

CVA: Cerebrovascular accident

DKA: Diabetic ketoacidosis

DM: Diabetes mellitus

DOT: Directly observed therapy   

DRIA: Diabetes and Ramadan International Alliance

DSM-5: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders- 5th edition

ED: Emergency department

eDOT: Electronic directly observed therapy

EHR: Electronic health record

EKG: Electrocardiogram (also known as ECG)

EPT: Expedited partner therapy

ESKD: End stage kidney disease

ESRD: End stage renal disease

FA: Fentanyl analog

FBG: Fasting blood glucose

FBO: Faith based organizations

FDA: Food and Drug Administration

FGC: Female genital cutting

FGM: Female genital mutilation

FH: Family history

FQHC: Federally-qualified health center

GERD: Gastroesophageal reflux disease

GLP-1: Glucagon-like peptide-1

HCV: Hepatitis C virus

HD: Hemodialysis

HEENT: Head, eyes, ears, nose and throat

HgA1c: Glycosylated hemoglobin

HHS: (US Department of) Health and Human Services

HHS: Hyperosmolar, hyperglycemic syndrome

HIV: Human immunodeficiency virus

HLD: Hyperlipidemia

HPI: History of present illness

HR: Heart rate

HTN: Hypertension

IDF: International Diabetes Federation

IIS: Immunization Information Systems

IMF: Illicitly manufactured fentanyl

IPE: Interprofessional education 

IPEC: Interprofessional Education Collaborative

IPV: Intimate partner violence    

KFF: Kaiser Family Foundation

LTBI: Latent tuberculosis infection

LRN: Laboratory Response Network

MAI: Medication Appropriateness Index

MAT: Medication-assisted treatment 

MDR: Multi-drug resistant

MDR-TB: Multi-drug resistant tuberculosis

MI: Myocardial infarction

MOU: Memorandum of understanding

MOUD: Medications for opioid use disorder

MRI: Magnetic resonance imaging

MSM: Men who have sex with men

MTM: Medication Therapy Management

N/A: Not available

NACDS: National Association of Chain Drug Stores

NASPA: National Alliance of State Pharmacy Associations

NIHSS: National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale

NKDA: No known drug allergies

NT/ND: Non-tender, non-distended

OAA: Oral anticancer agent

ODPHP: Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion

OTC: Over-the-counter

OTP: Opioid treatment program

OUD: Opioid use disorder

PATH: Partnership Assessment Tool for Health

PD: Peritoneal dialysis

PDMP: Prescription drug monitoring program

PERT: Pharmacy emergency response team

PMH: Past medical history

PrEP: Pre-exposure prophylaxis

PO: Per oral

POD: Point of dispensing

POC: Point of care

PPD: Pack per day

PPD: Purified protein derivative

PRN: As needed

ROS: Review of systems

RR: Respiratory rate

SBIRT: Screening followed by brief interventions

SDG: Sustainable Development Goals

SDH/SDOH: Social determinants of health

SFU: Sulfonylureas

SGLT2i: Sodium-glucose co-transporter 2 inhibitors

SH: Social history

SNS: Strategic National Stockpile

SO: Standing order

SpO2: Oxygen saturation

SQ: Subcutaneously

STD: Sexually transmitted disease

STI: Sexually transmitted infection

STOPP/START: Screening Tool of Older People’s Prescriptions/Screening Tool to Alert to Right Treatment

SUD: Substance use disorder

Temp: Temperature

T2DM: Type 2 diabetes mellitus

TB: Tuberculosis 

Tdap: Tetanus, diphtheria and acellular pertussis

TICI: Thrombolysis in cerebral infarction scale

TID: Three times daily

TTE: Transthoracic echocardiogram (also known as an echo)

TZD: Thiazolidinones

UN: United Nations

US: United States

USPSTF: United States Preventive Services Task Force 

VS: Vital signs

WHO: World Health Organization

WNL: Within normal limits


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Public Health in Pharmacy Practice: A Casebook Copyright © by Jordan R Covvey, Vibhuti Arya, Natalie DiPietro Mager, Neyda Gilman, MaRanda Herring, Stephanie Lukas, Leslie Ochs, and Lindsay Waddington is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.