Book Title: Processes
Subtitle: Writing Across Academic Careers

Book Description: Processes: Writing Across Academic Careers is an edited collection showcasing the diversity of writing processes, styles, and formats in academia. Students, faculty, and staff share both published and unpublished work and reflect on their writing process as well as writing in their fields and disciplines. This book shows that, while writing looks and functions differently in different disciplines, college communities center on writing.
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Book Information
Book Description
Processes: Writing Across Academic Careers is an edited collection showcasing the diversity of writing processes, styles, and formats in academia. Students, faculty, and staff share both published and unpublished work and reflect on their writing process as well as writing in their fields and disciplines. This book shows that, while writing looks and functions differently in different disciplines, college communities center on writing.
The text’s sections feature compositions from nursing, STEM and health sciences, education, and history and culture. The examples include reflections on the role of writing in one’s academic career, examples of professional writing in the sciences, research papers, conference proposals, and laboratory reports. Each example is accompanied by a thoughtful reflection about how the author crafted their work.
Students learning to write in college and in their specific disciplines will gain a holistic understanding of the kinds of writing they will encounter over the course of their academic careers and an appreciation for the multitudes of ways writers work.
The writing featured is by students, faculty, and staff at Farmingdale State College, a State University of New York (SUNY) campus on Long Island. The collection was compiled and edited by the FSC Writing in the Disciplines committee.
Processes Copyright © 2023 by Farmingdale State College is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.
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