

A special thanks to Chancellor Nancy Zimpher of the State University of New York and her staff for creating a strategy and source of funding to situate and advance our work. The following grants and people behind them deserve acknowledgement:

  • 2014 Open SUNY Textbook Grant (Principal Investigators, Cyril Oberlander, Kate Pitcher, and Allison Brown);
  • 2014 Open SUNY Innovative Instructional Technology Grant (IITG) (SUNY Open Director, Lisa Stephens); and
  • 2014 University at Albany Online Teaching and Learning Grant (University at Albany Provost, Susan Phillips and Associate Provost for OTLG, Peter Shea).

These grants will begin the process of increasing access to nonprofit management and leadership education particularly students preparing for careers in the nonprofit sector and those working in the sector who face educational barriers such as cost and time constraints.

Finally, the web resources described in this book would not be possible without the research assistance and dedication of Sreyashi Chakravarty, a University at Albany, SUNY graduate student.


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