


To increase the visibility, reach, and impact of Geneseo’s research and scholarship by providing open access to information, ideas, and works of imagination.

What we publish

Minerva supports a range of publications and projects in many formats which fall into one or more of the following categories:

  • Open textbooks by faculty in the SUNY community
  • Texts authored or spearheaded by a member of the SUNY Geneseo community
  • Texts of significance to the Genesee Valley Region
  • Texts that utilize Milne library’s archives & special collections

We look for works that exhibit:

  • rigorous scholarship and creativity
  • a commitment to full or partial open access publishing

Within these areas we are happy to explore many subjects, genres and voices.

Our site

Geneseo hosts an open source instance of Pressbooks, simple book production software, maintained and supported by Milne Library. You can use Pressbooks to publish textbooks, scholarly monographs, syllabi, fiction and non-fiction books, white papers, and more in multiple formats including:

  • MOBI (for Kindle ebooks)
  • EPUB (for all other ebookstores)
  • designed PDF (for print-on-demand and digital distribution)

Pressbooks is used by educational institutions around the world as well as authors and publishers.

For more information about Pressbooks, see here.